Maintenance and Cure In Maritime Injurie
Maintenance and Cure In Maritime Injurie
What is maintenance and cure in a maritime injury case you may be entitled to payment of a certain expenses while you are recovering from injury if you are a commercial fisherman or Seaman you have probably heard of the terms maintenance and cure but what is maintenance and cure exactly in general maintenance and Q are benefits that an injured sea men receive from an employer during the course of recovery an injured cement is entitled to receive maintenance and cure benefits regardless of whose fault the injury was what is maintenance maintenance means the room and board of the injured cement while recovering from the injury at home the concept of Maintenance originates from the employer's obligation to provide room and board while the cement is serving on a ship therefore maintenance includes such expenses as the Siemens rent or mortgage utilities property taxes homeowners insurance and food but not things like telephone cable internet or car payments maintenance does not include telephone or Internet because maintenance only relates to the necessary expenses of running one's Hotel rent or mortgage utilities taxes and insurance are necessary household expenses while telephone cable and internet are not necessary household expenses car payments and gas line are not covered under the maintenance because they are not technically household expenses and then what is cure cure is the injured Siemens reasonable and necessary medical expenses along with the cost of transportation for getting to his or her reasonable and necessary medical treatment just like injured land-based employee who receive workers compensation benefits an injured semen should not have to pay anything towards his or her medical treatment for the work related injury the next discussion is about how long is an injury semen entity to maintenance and fuel an injured semen is entitled to receive maintenance and cure until the cement reaches point of Maximum medical improvement rmmi.
When someone is at MMI it means that she or he is a good as he or she is going to get generally when a doctor thinks that passion is at MMI the doctor will discourage the passion from care the person may not have a fully recovered from the injury but they are not expected to improve any further and then how is maintenance interpret typically the employer or the employer insurer will pay maintenance weekly or bi-weekly the employer discourage its obligation to pick your benefits by paying the injured Siemens medical bills directly and then what is the proper rate of maintenance as nodded above maintenance includes all of the Siemens household expenses but for many years Maritime employers and insurers where I consumed to paying a trivial amount of Maintenance like eight dollars to ten dollars per day like 240 US dollar to 300 US dollar per month regardless of the Siemens actual living expenses luckily Court decision help made it clear that Maritime employers cannot get away with this anymore maintenance must be Siemens actual household expenses if for example the semen lives in a high Coast Area where household expenses approach 2500 US dollar per month then that is what maintenance should be and then union membership may affect a Siemens maintenance rate there is no there is one exception to the rule that a Siemens maintenance rate is actual household expenses that is when a seaman is a reunion member that the Union contract contains a maintenance rate that covers full all union members so if you ever see men covered by a Union contract and the contract says that injured Union member will receive 500 US dollar per month for maintenance then unfortunately that will be your maintenance rate however there is an exception to that exception the Union contract maintenance rule only applies in a certain part of the country different federal courts have interpreted this through differently.
If you are a married immunity member and want to know whether your Union contract maintenance rate govern your situation you should contact ameritem personal injury lawyer so that they can advise you about the law that applies to your situation and then the next discussion is about maintenance and care for illness as well as injuries maintenance and pure applies to illness as well as injuries if you are a seaman and come down with a discipline illness or medical condition while surfing on a virtual you are entitled to maintenance and cure until you reach MMI from that Collision even if the illness or condition was not caused by your work or Surface on the vessel what is the employer will not be maintenance enter the law requires a maritime employer to pay maintenance and kill as it comes to but that doesn't always happen if you are a seaman who was injured at work and are not receiving your maintenance and your benefits you should contact a qualified marketing personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to learn your legal rights.
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